

Our staff can help you navigate the interview process and share your story.

  • If you have the information you need and the time to schedule an interview, 但我需要一些帮助来组织你的方法, 我们可以帮你准备.
  • 媒体关系部的成员或同事可以在采访时坐在你旁边. 这可以减少与记者在同一个房间或演播室时的紧张或恐惧.
  • Advance notice helps us plan and maximize your coverage. If you have news about a study or a new book that’s about to be published, please try to contact us at least two weeks before the publication date.
  • 如果您正在寻找活动报道,请至少提前一个月提交详细信息. 这让感兴趣的新闻记者有时间计划和安排他们的报道.
  • 虽然我们不鼓励对小细节或发表的故事的角度吹毛求疵, 如果有事实错误,我们是否会提醒媒体关系部,我们将帮助解决这些问题.

We can help you get the word out to local, 区域, or national media.

Please contact Executive Director of Public Relations Tania deLuzuriaga at 塔尼亚.deluzuriaga@ycdwkj666.com.


记者的工作期限很紧, 因此,尽量及时回应新闻媒体的要求——如果可能的话,在几个小时内.

  • 询问记者的名字, 他或她代表的是什么媒体, 故事的大致内容和角度, 最后期限.
  • Don’t feel pressure to immediately answer interview questions. 如果你犹豫, 坦率地问, "Is this the interview now or did you want to set something up?"
  • 如果你需要准备回复或收集信息,要求更多时间是完全可以接受的.

Either way, let the reporter know whether you will be available for comment. 如果是这样:

  • 和记者谈谈采访的时间和地点,并同意回电话. 时间,电子邮件通信或亲自面试.
  • 了解面试是否会被录音.
  • 对于镜头前的采访 ReadyCam®广播工作室 在达勒姆校区的新英格兰中心一楼可以买到吗. 这样可以节省前往曼彻斯特或波士顿电视台的费用.


  • 决定你想要传达的关键点. 你想说什么?
  • 为有争议的问题做好准备,试着提前预测其中的一些问题, 并写出简短的答案.
  • 不要老想着你不想回答的问题. 而不是, 如果你认为某个问题越界或与主题无关,就通知记者.
  • 当你不知道某个问题的答案时,告诉记者也是可以的.
  • 记住你的听众. Think about how your new research is applicable to the "real world," or how a new piece of legislation is going to affect local families.
  • 把学术术语留到专业期刊上,多使用大家都能理解的会话语言.
  • 假设你对记者说的一切, whether in the middle of an interview or the middle of a grocery store, 记录在案吗." While you can tell a reporter that certain information is "off the record,最好不要说任何你不想在报纸上或当地新闻上看到的东西,以避免混淆.
  • 保持评论简短扼要. The "less is more" technique especially applies to broadcast sound bites. Expert comments on news broadcasts are seldom longer than one or two phrases, 所以尽量把每个回答的时间限制在20秒左右.
  • If you are concerned about the technical aspects of a story, politely ask the reporter to read you back your quotes.
  • Don't ask the reporter to send you a copy of the story before it is printed. Very few will, and most will be offended that you asked.
  • It can be helpful to conclude an interview by reiterating your key points, and confirming that the reporter has a clear understanding of them.”
  • 请不要索要故事的副本或磁带,除非该出版物或广播在当地可用. Find out when the story is running and where you can find it on the web, 打开你的DVR或者拿起一份报纸. 媒体关系也可以通过它的在线剪辑服务为你找到一份副本.

If you think something might be newsworthy but aren’t certain, 随时联系媒体关系部寻求帮助. The following are common areas of interest to the media:

  • 研究: Results with demonstrated public impact, as well as ongoing projects. It’s best to release the news immediately before your research is published. 如果你正在做一些即将出现在学术期刊上的重大研究,请告诉我们.
  • 专家的评论: News outlets look for experts to weigh in on breaking state, 区域, 国内和国际新闻. 我们可以帮你写评论文章或社论, 我们可以让媒体知道你有重要的事情要说. (考虑加入UNH专家名单,这样媒体在搜索评论时很容易找到你.)
  • 公共服务或外展项目: 在您访问一个城市或城镇之前与我们联系,我们可以通知当地媒体您的访问.
  • 书: Books, authored or edited, that are about to be published.
  • 新的伙伴关系: Partnerships with state agencies, projects or research.
  • 创新的课程: 分享有关创新课程或项目的新闻.
  • 会议: 我们可以帮助提前宣传活动,我们将尽最大努力鼓励新闻报道. We will alert the news media, but cannot guarantee a reporter will be .
  • 优秀的学生: 知道有学生参与了有趣的研究或社区拓展项目?


永利app新版本官网地址激发创新,改变我们州的生活, 国家与世界. 超过16个,来自全美50个州和71个国家的000名学生在一流的商业课程中与屡获殊荣的教师一起学习, 工程, 法律, 卫生和公共服务, liberal arts and the sciences across more than 200 programs of study. 卡内基R1分类机构, 联合国大学与美国宇航局合作, 美国国家海洋和大气管理局, NSF和NIH, 并在21财年获得了2.6亿美元的竞争性外部资金,用于进一步探索和确定土地边界, 海洋与太空.


is a professor of at the University of New Hampshire. 所表达的观点和意见是作者的观点和意见,并不意味着UNH的认可
