Iago 黑尔 recognized for pioneering research, breeding and commercialization


Iago 黑尔, left, oversees 主要研究's kiwiberry breeding and research program at Woodman Farm.

Iago 黑尔, associate professor of specialty crop improvement, has been named 主要研究’s 2024 J. 布伦特阿来年度创新者, recognizing his pioneering work in the kiwiberry research and breeding program. 年度创新者奖,每年由 主要研究Innovation, celebrates the commercialization of innovative ideas originating from 主要研究 research that have substantial social and economic impact.

L-R:马克·艾肯伯格, Associate Vice President and Chief 业务 Development and Innovation Officer; Jenna Matheney, 导演, Technology Transfer; Innovator of the Year Iago 黑尔; Marian McCord, 研究高级副教务长, Economic Engagement and Outreach; Anton Bekkerman, 导演, NH农业试验站. Makena Lee摄.

黑尔 在培育这些耐寒植物方面发挥了重要作用, 葡萄大小的水果成为东北地区很有前途的园艺作物. His efforts focus on enhancing kiwiberry varieties for commercial production, 强调味道等特征, texture and overall appearance that make them appealing for both local and regional markets.

黑尔’s ongoing partnership with 主要研究Innovation ensures that his research extends beyond academic circles, influencing industry practices and enhancing the economic landscape of New England's agricultural sector.

黑尔说:“猕猴桃不是我发明的. “在我之前有很多人来过, 一直追溯到几千年前的农村社区, 谁认识到这些物种在野外的优点. 我认为这样的奖项是对这一漫长历史当之无愧的认可, 为公共利益共同努力管理植物遗传多样性.”

The kiwiberry’s potential to become a new high-value crop aligns with 黑尔’s vision of transforming regional agriculture. His research not only meets consumer demands for high-quality local produce but also boosts the viability of local farms through the creation of new agricultural enterprises and value-added products. “每个人都应该多吃些奇怪的水果,”黑尔说.

“这是长期的, relatively high-risk research lies at the heart of the land-grant university mission.”

The award highlights 黑尔's significant contributions to agricultural innovation, including a forthcoming commercial license that promises to enhance kiwiberry production and distribution. His collaborative efforts with other universities and several industry partners underline the commercial viability and scalability of his research.

“研究是一个充满活力的核心, 健康的经济,” 主要研究 Provost Wayne Jones said at the ceremony honoring 黑尔 as Innovator of the Year. “And particularly at 主要研究, it contributes to the sustainability of the world we live in. 今天 we are celebrating a colleague who has successfully transitioned his innovations in the lab into social and economic impact.”

不像其他研究领域, the innovation timeline for plant breeding from initial concept to an improved variety often requires a decade or more of dedicated research. “我相信这种长期, relatively high-risk research lies at the heart of the land-grant university mission,黑尔说。. “It would not be possible without consistent support from our New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station and the many people here who ‘just get it.在这方面,联合国大学是例外.”

“The spirit of the 年度创新者奖 is to honor the innovator who best embodies the philosophy of translating 主要研究 research into products or services that benefit the public,詹娜·马西尼说, uninnovation的技术转移主管. “我们非常高兴地认识到. 伊阿古·黑尔,以表彰他在研究领域的众多贡献.”

J. 布伦特阿来 年度创新者奖 以已故的洛伊命名, 谁对瓜类(南瓜)的开创性研究, cucumbers and melons) significantly bolstered 主要研究’s intellectual property and technology transfer initiatives. 像卢瓦, 黑尔's work exemplifies the university’s mission to foster innovation that impacts society positively.

“如果我的工作与霍金博士有任何联系. 这是一个巨大的荣誉,”海尔说. 在他漫长的职业生涯中, Brent really demonstrated the potential of a public plant breeding program to improve the lives of people, 不仅仅是在这个地区, 但在全球范围内. 我的工作是种植被忽视和未充分利用的作物, 我渴望在这项工作中取得他所取得的影响的一小部分.”

了解更多永利app新版本官网地址黑尔猕猴桃的研究 东北猕猴桃网站 或者在这里 主要研究的SPARK功能.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@ycdwkj666.com | 603-862-4465