


在2020年春季COVID-19爆发后不久, Jan Dean found herself staring at a dining room table covered in a sea of tiny puzzle pieces.

整个世界都被封锁了,她的丈夫, 联合国校长吉姆·迪恩说, navigating the uncharted waters of figuring out how to guide a university through a global pandemic, 花几个小时建造1,000块拼图被证明是理想的逃避.

“We were just desperate to have something to think about besides what was going on in the world at the time,迪恩说。.

三年多后的2023年5月, 联合国卫生组织COVID - 19工作组的17名成员——他们是关键的参与者, 事实上, successfully guide the university through the pandemic – gathered around that same table, toasting the US Department of 健康 and 人类服务’ announcement that the COVID-19 public health emergency had been declared over.

那张餐桌, 位于校长的房子里,也被称为PresRes, has served as a gathering place during a host of significant and influential moments in 主要研究 history, 其中很多都发生在迪恩夫妇到达达勒姆之前. It was just one of the many things inside the house that intrigued Dean when she and Jim first arrived, 她最终将这一好奇写成了一本书, “在加里森拐角。 & Main:在永利app新版本官网地址的家里, 现在可以在亚马逊上买到.


桌子当然很重要. 9/11那天早上,大学领导们聚集在这里, where governors and senators – and even Meryl Streep – have dined during formal get-togethers, and it actually sparked controversy itself when it was purchased in 1982 during the tenure of Evelyn Handler, 该大学的第一位女校长, 这要归功于许多人认为昂贵的价格.

Despite the table’s time in the limelight, 虽然, there isn’t one single star of the book. 而不是, 有几十个主角, all of whom had previously been relegated to bit roles in the university’s history. Dean sought to tell the story of the house and its evolution over the years but also the stories of the families and first men and women who have lived in the residence.

“有很多永利app新版本官网地址大学校长的文章, 但永利app新版本官网地址第一先生和第一夫人的报道却很少,迪恩说。. “I hope that the book gives a voice to those other people who play such an important role in a president’s time at the university. 我只是想让整件事更人性化. 我们是第20个来学校的家庭, 我们都有可以分享和给予的东西.”

Dean’s account moves chronologically through the history of 主要研究 presidents and their families living in the house, shedding light on the changes both the residence and campus underwent during each tenure.

The result is a chronicle of life on campus for presidents and their families through many memorable and often turbulent historic eras, 包括第一次和第二次世界大战, 六七十年代的社会动荡, 9/11及其后果和COVID.

例如, 迪恩注意到哈罗德·斯托克总统和他的妻子, 第二次世界大战期间,波斯·“埃丝特”·斯托克主持了这所大学, when everything was in short supply due to rations and most of the male students were away from campus in battle. 退伍军人的归来带来了《永利app新版本官网地址》的出台.

在她看来,这是校园里最具挑战性的时代, 虽然, 是60年代末和70年代初吗, 尤其是在约翰·麦康奈尔总统和他的妻子执政期间, 助教麦克康奈尔, when the leadership had to “balance out the furor of the students” over so many cultural issues.

一条贯穿一切的线索, 院长说, is the way the university community consistently united in the face of difficult circumstances, from both world wars to the assassinations of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. 从9/11到COVID等等.

“在危机时刻,学校绝对团结一致. 我从来没有怀疑过这个社区的善良,”迪恩说.

"I hope that the book gives a voice to those other people who play such an important role in a president’s time at the university."

Dean also recounts the changes and updates made to the PresRes itself through the years, from minor cosmetic adjustments made to suit the preferences of each new family to more significant alterations like the enclosing and screening in of a second-floor balcony in the 1920s and the most extensive refresh in the building’s history under President Mark Huddleston in 2007, 其中包括对厨房的彻底改造, the addition of a second-floor laundry room and the retrofitting of central air conditioning into the home.

Dean leaned on the university archives and student newspaper for much of her research, 同时也接入了祖先.网站和报纸.com. 她特别赞扬了主要研究图书馆的摩根·威尔逊, 公共服务协调员, 和埃莱塔·埃克斯琳, 学术交流馆员, 感谢他们的重要帮助.

Dean even found university connections where she wasn’t expecting to throughout the process. 她联系了苏·赫兹, 我是英语系的教授, 找一些自由编辑帮忙,并与玛吉·华莱士有联系, 一位艺术硕士毕业生承担了这项任务. Another alum, John Herman, played a key role in formatting the book for publication.

Dean opted to self-publish through Amazon and will be donating all of the proceeds from the sale of the book back to 主要研究. 一份数字副本将放在联合国卫生研究所的资料库中, 还有后者的位置, 院长希望, could provide an opportunity for the story of the house and its inhabitants to continue to develop well into the future.

“我真的只想让它成为学校历史的一部分, 我觉得这对未来的住户来说是无价之宝. I can’t wait to share it with the next people who are going to be moving in,迪恩说。. “在最后, 正如我在结语中所写的, 我希望这所房子里的生活编年史能继续下去. 这本书将在电子档案中, 我希望有人能加入进来, 他们会花时间把自己的经历写下来, 这样一来,它就会成为一段活生生的历史.”

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@ycdwkj666.com | 603-862-4465