Circular plaza in Peru is one of earliest in Americas

Thursday, February 22, 2024
From a distance we see a circle of stones on a mountainside.

The circular plaza at Callacpuma. Photo by 杰森图希.

当他在怀俄明大学读研究生时,主要研究博士后研究员 Alex Garcia-Putnam 在秘鲁安第斯山脉发掘一个圆形广场,地点叫卡拉科马. 该遗址后来被证明是安第斯山脉北部已知最早的巨石圆形广场,也是美洲最早的此类建筑实例之一, according to a recent article in the journal Science Advances.

主要研究博士后研究员Alex Garcia-Putnam(穿着蓝色衬衫站着). Photo by 杰森图希.

放射性碳年代测定法表明广场的最初建造大约在公元4世纪,750 years ago, 大约比埃及大金字塔早100年,与巨石阵同时出现. Garcia-Putnam and other researchers knew the plaza, measuring about 18 meters in diameter, existed before excavation began in 2018, but “we had no idea it was going to be that old,他说. “It’s a very significant site.”

加西亚-帕特南是《永利app新版本官网地址》文章的合著者,该文章详细介绍了他们的发现. “对于生活在卡哈马卡山谷这一地区的最早的一些人来说,这可能是一个聚会场所和仪式场所,” says lead author 杰森图希, associate professor of anthropology at University of Wyoming.

Now working as a bioarchaeologist in the anthropology department 也是主要研究法医人类学鉴定和恢复实验室的联合主任, 加西亚-帕特南在卡拉夸马的工作包括教授本科生和监督部分挖掘工作. “This is definitely a team sport. 如果没有当地社区的支持和学生们的努力,我们不可能做到这一点.” 

这项工作是由怀俄明大学,柯蒂斯T. 玛丽·G. Brennan Foundation, the George C. 弗里森研究所,国家科学基金会(#2114574)和Rust家庭基金会.

Drone view of newly excavated circular stone site in Peru
The Circular Plaza from Above. Courtesy Science Advances.