主要研究 professor awarded access to world’s fastest supercomputer for biomolecular simulations


联合国卫生组织的Harish Vashisth报道
助理教授Harish Vashisth

想象一下, 有那么一瞬间, you were granted the ability to complete a year’s worth of work in a single day.

这正是哈里什·瓦希什所能做的, 多亏了我能接近安东2号, 世界上最快的生物分子模拟超级计算机.

利用的机会 最新版本的超级计算机 两天多的时间是研究人员梦寐以求的, 据瓦实施说, 化学工程助理教授. He estimates the machine will produce results equivalent to two years of utilizing 主要研究’s supercomputer resources.

“No other machine in the world has this capability for biomolecular simulations,瓦希什说, 他也是 授予对另一个主要计算资源的访问权 — the Comet Supercomputer housed at San Diego Supercomputing Center. “We will be able to generate data that we will use and analyze for several years in just a couple days using Anton.”

Vashisth’s proposal aims to simulate the dynamics of one of the largest and most important proteins in the pathway of hormone insulin, 胰岛素受体. These proteins are central players in major health risks such as diabetes. Data from the research could lead to designing novel therapies and treatments for diabetes.

“The goal is to do predictive science that predicts how proteins function,瓦希什说, a 2016年职业成就奖 美国国家科学基金会的获奖者. “这一切都是永利app新版本官网地址雄心勃勃的模拟.”

瓦西什获准进入超级计算机, 位于匹兹堡大学, through a competitive research proposal process spearheaded by the National 研究 Council. Proposals are first assessed for their technical feasibility and then ranked on the scientific merit of the research, justification of requested resources and investigator qualifications and accomplishments. Selected proposals must clearly state how access to Anton 2 will facilitate breakthrough science.

Vashisth will access the computer remotely from 主要研究 later this year. 返回的主要研究人员, 谁占了安东2用户的75%, 首先获得超级计算机的访问权.

为访问计算机做准备, third-year doctorate student Hossein Mohammadiarani traveled to Pittsburgh, 宾西法尼亚, for a one-day seminar in November to test simulations on Anton 2. The workshop also allowed for Mohammadiarani to successfully convert data to be compatible with the simulation software by Anton 2.

“教练们知识渊博,穆罕默德迪亚拉尼说, one of six students expected to assist with the research project. “If we had any errors, they were able to solve them and move forward.”

布鲁克斯帕耶特 | 主要研究工程与物理科学学院| 布鲁克斯.payette@ycdwkj666.com | 603-862-5441