Your Health and Wellness Checklist

向大学的过渡既充满挑战又令人兴奋. 幸运的是,你可以提前做很多事情来准备好康复并在UNH保持健康!

Pack a Health Kit

Be sure to pack a health kit when you come to UNH. If you're not feeling well, 有你需要的东西真是太好了,这样你就不用专门去药店了.

Here's a list of our other suggestions:

  • Multivitamins
  • Tissues
  • Salt (for salt water gargles for sore throats)
  • Thermometer
  • Eye Wash
  • Tweezers
  • Sore throat/ cough lozenges
  • Aches/Pain/Fever Medicine, 非处方止痛药对控制发烧和疼痛效果很好, including headache
    • Acetaminophen (Tylenol®)
    • Ibuprofen (Motrin®, Motrin IB®, and Advil®) 
  • Allergy Medication (if needed)
  • 苯海拉明(Benadryl®)用于各种发痒的虫咬或过敏
  • Cough/Cold Medications
    • 一定要仔细阅读标签,特别是多症状药物,以避免“双重剂量”.”
    • Take medication as directed on package.
  • 强烈建议使用减充血剂治疗鼻/鼻窦充血和耳塞
    • Pseudoephedrine (purchased from behind pharmacy counter)
  • 止咳药,如愈创甘油醚是祛痰剂,有助于放松胸部的痰
    • Robitussin®, Mucinex®
  • Band-Aids (various sizes)
  • Gauze/Tape
  • Ace Bandages (various sizes)
  • Rubbing Alcohol/ Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Antibacterial ointment such as Bacitracin
  • PeptoBismol®/ Antacid
  • Waterless alcohol-base (at least 60%) hand cleaner.
    • There is no need to have antibacterial soap or hand cleansers; in fact, 这些物品通常很贵,而且在杀死细菌/病毒方面不如肥皂和水有效.

  • Heating Pad
  • Ice pack or chemical cold pack
  • Humidifier/Cool Mist
  • Soup packages
  • Crackers
  • Clear liquids are helpful in any illness
    • Ginger ale, water, sports drinks, clear juices such as apple and cranberry, clear chicken or vegetable broths, Jello®, and Kool-Aid®
    • Dry mix packets are great to store for  convenience
  • 当你恶心、呕吐、腹泻和/或喉咙痛的时候,冷冻汽水是很好的舒缓剂
  • Sunscreen
  • Lip Balm

Health & Wellness offers non-prescription medications, such as pain medications, vitamins, antacids, and cough and cold preparations, at a lower cost than many drug stores or supermarkets.

You can also use our self-care guides to learn how to treat a variety of illnesses and injuries. 


你可以把处方药和非处方药放在你的宿舍里. 如果你的药物有精神作用或需要使用针头给药, 我们鼓励你把这些保护起来,防止盗窃在一个隐藏的锁箱.

Chronic Illness

Are you living with a chronic illness? Meet with our health resource nurse to find out how Health & 健康与专家和初级保健提供者合作,协调服务并提供监测健康/疾病等护理, lab work, etc. You’ll also learn about additional UNH resources, peer support, what to do when you’re sick, and more.

Build Your Wellness Mindset

Health & Wellness Well-Being Wheel Simple

当你毕业的时候,你的野猫故事将会是一本永利app新版本官网地址你的 SUCCESSES and CHALLENGES, both personally and academically.

Having a WELLNESS MINDSET 会帮助你在大学里导航,你在哪里学到这些 STRESS IS NATURAL. 健康的心态是基于这样一种信念,即照顾好你的健康的各个方面将增加你在UNH的经历,这样你就会为自己的成就感到自豪,并从你的挣扎中学习.


Learn more about the Well-Being Wheel

Goals take time and effort to turn into habits. 利用这个夏天尝试一些健康的习惯,这将有助于你在UNH取得学业和个人上的成功. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

  1. Start dispelling the myth of the college all-nighter. You can sleep your way to good grades. 每晚7-8小时的睡眠可以帮助你的大脑和身体重建和重置,这样你就有精力在课堂上充分表现, concentrate and retain and consolidate information. 今年夏天,开始练习保证7-8小时的睡眠,每周7天.
  2. Embrace the awkward. You will have many awkward moments at UNH. 不要因为在校园迷路或者不知道和旁边的人说什么而自责, remember that it’s all okay and no one is perfect. 当你感到尴尬的时候,开始注意到自己的处境, your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. 自我意识打开了一扇门,让你对自己更友善一点.
  3. Treat yourself like you would a friend. 你值得被善待,你不必等待别人来给予你. Think about how you treat someone you care about, do you treat yourself with the same kindness and care?  Start checking-in with yourself by asking “How am I doing? What do I need?”
  4. Notice your breathing. 我们的大脑就像猴子,从一个想法跳到另一个想法. 通常,这并没有真正的帮助,而且会导致我们担心或过度思考. To help your monkey brain find some calm, 偶尔停下来,慢慢地深呼吸,注意当你的呼吸进出你的身体时,你的身体感觉如何.
  5. Get moving. 身体运动是给身体补充能量的最好方法之一. 开始每天运动你的身体,不管你做什么,只是运动. Added bonus, 人们发现大自然是一种天然的压力缓解剂,所以在户外运动可以让你的压力荷尔蒙流动起来.
  6. Plan to be social. Making new friends takes effort, courage and persistence. Visit WildcatLink 开始关注所有的学生组织,以及参与到UNH的方式. 列一张你感兴趣的俱乐部的清单,然后制定一个计划去他们的桌子 U Day.
  7. Be okay with not being okay. 当你开始思考和计划向UNH的过渡时,你可能会发现自己在这个夏天有各种各样的情绪. 提醒自己紧张、兴奋、焦虑、好奇都是正常的. 你所经历的所有感觉都是可以的,即使它们让你感到不舒服. 
  8. Practice gratitude. 想想你感激的事情可以增加你的幸福感和幸福感. 在每天结束的时候,通过想想你要感激的事情来养成感恩的习惯.
  9. Nourish your body. 食物是你度过一天所需的能量和清醒认知的燃料. 当你用各种天然食物滋养你的身体时,注意你的身体感觉如何. 顺便说一下,新生15分是一个没有良好研究支持的神话.
  10. Think about the choice to drink or not to drink. Okay, let’s get real. Alcohol is a thing in college. 有参加聚会的学生,也有不喝酒的学生. 想想你希望自己的大学生活是什么样的,以及酒精是否符合你的总体目标.  

Know Where to Go

Sleep Expo

预防生病的最好方法是照顾好自己和自己的健康. We can help you get off on the right foot and keep your Well-Being Wheel balanced.

  • We offer Living Well Education/Counseling 针对压力和恢复力、睡眠、性健康、药物使用、营养等方面的服务. 
  • Living Well Services also offers mindfulness & 冥想、宠物治疗等等,所有这些都是为了帮助你建立你需要的技能.
    Learn more

And if you do get sick or injured, just make an appointment!

Be sure to check out this list of campus resources that are available at UNH to help you care for your wellness.

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您可以做的最简单的事情就是在社交媒体上与我们联系,以了解有关我们服务的更多信息, programs, and events all year long:  
