UNH 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge

UNH 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge
H和s together 多样性





What is the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge?

21-day challenge flyer 4月 4-24

The University of New Hampshire welcomes the Food Solutions New Engl和’s (FSNE) 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge to our campus community each spring.

FSNE 21天种族平等习惯养成挑战旨在创造专门的时间和空间来养成更有效的社会公正习惯. 是不是学生, 教职员工一直在共同培养解决种族不平等问题的技能和意愿, using the FSNE Challenge as a tool. 它允许个人首先探索自己的偏见,并更深入地了解它是如何影响思想的, behaviors 和 practices. 它提供了一条途径,让我们以一种更公正和公平的方式拥抱我们的学科、课程和职业与我们的人性的交叉性. 

We invite all students, 教师, 和 staff to participate in 2024! 
4月1日- 21日

Register for the FSNE 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge 


重要的日子 & 提醒

Participate in this year's challenge!
APRIL 1 - 21, 2024

Register for 所面临的挑战


UNH 教师, interested in embedding 所面临的挑战 in your course? 

Contact Karen Spiller 


Each year, UNH hosts a suite of events, activities 和 sharing resources
during 所面临的挑战.

一定要在Instagram @sustainableunh上关注我们,获取挑战期间的每日事实.

2024 事件, 行为ivities & 资源

    Join us for Black 历史 Month

    Black 历史 Month Speaker Series

    series poster with speaker headshots, titles 和 event dates

    我们很高兴与UNH的社区平等和多样性办公室共同赞助这个系列! Join us online to hear some amazing leaders who will talk with us about racial justice, our 食物 systems 和 more! Register to attend one, or all three!

    星期四,2月. 22 from 12:40-2 pm
    Context, Culture 和 Change

    黛比·欧文, 种族正义教育家和作家将在21天种族平等习惯养成挑战的基础上探索主题.  

    星期二,2月. 27 from 12:40-2 pm
    14 Million Acres Lost

    Dr. Myers, veteran, filmmaker, anthropologist 和 co-founder of Farms to Grow, Inc., a venture supporting Black farmers, 能解释导致非洲裔美国农民及其1400万英亩土地流失的主要因素吗. 

    星期四,2月. 29 from 12:40-2 pm
    Now is the Time: Being 行为ion Oriented

    Dr. 小艾迪·摩尔. Dr. Moore has pursued 和 achieved success in academia, 业务, 多样性, leadership 和 community service. In 1996, he started to provide comprehensive 多样性 和 leadership trainings. He is recognized as one of the nation’s top speakers 和 educators. 

    This series is co-sponsored by UNH’s Office of 社区, Equity 和 Diversity 和 UNH’s 可持续性 Institute. 


    餐厅 合作伙伴hips 和 Initiatives in a Just 和 Equitable Food System

    4月 1-21, 2024
    Holloway Commons

    是不是吃饭 is showcasing 所面临的挑战 at Holloway Commons throughout the 21 days. 学习 about the l并在2024年4月品尝标有“21天挑战”的菜单. This dining experience deepens intersectional relationship of culture, 食物, 股本, 和 belonging with every bite! 
    查看菜单 和 vendors

      2023 事件, 行为ivities & 资源

        2023 Kickoff Event!

        Dr, Reece headshot

        Dr. Ashante米. 瑞茜
        Food 和 the Black Radical Imagination: Thinking, Writing, 和 Living Beyond Lack

        Wednesday, March 29
        3-4:30 p.m.
        Cole Hall, Room 219
        Students, 教师 和 staff welcome

        Dr. Ashante里斯, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校非洲和非洲侨民研究助理教授, 将讨论“获取”如何经常构成围绕粮食不平等的当代对话的框架. 瑞茜, the author of Black Food Geographies 将讨论如何反射性地思考“获取”作为创造公平未来的框架能做什么和不能做什么,并探索快乐的体验如何与黑人激进的想象相结合,为想象食物供应和消费提供了另一种途径.

        在博士. 瑞茜’s talk, Karen Spiller, UNH 可持续性 Institute's 托马斯·W. 哈斯可持续食品系统教授将重点介绍在校园和世界各地参与挑战的不同方式. Join us for a catered reception after the talk.



        霍顿110, 星期三:
        12, 6-7 p.m.
        4月19日 , 6-7 p.m. 

        下降 to one or all in the series! 加入学生 from the Civil Discourse Lab (CDL), 谁正在主持一个每周对话系列,以促进与那些参与或对挑战所激发的承诺和行动感兴趣的人进行对话.
        These peer-to-peer sessions, led by
        CDL团队; are designed to focus that week’s Challenge content 和 encourage peer-to-peer discussion. 

        people in a cafe

        可持续性 Cafe

        Freedom Café, Durham, NH

        下降 & bring a friend, OPEN TO ALL! 这个月我们将邀请到联合国大学可持续发展研究所可持续食品系统教授, Karen Spiller to talk about 可持续性, 股本, 和 creating a culture of belonging 和 wellbeing. 加入学生, 教师, 和 community leaders for coffee, 茶, 和美味的小吃,同时与其他想要创造一个更可持续发展的世界的人联系.





        21-Day Challenge at the Holloway Commons

        是不是吃饭 is showcasing 所面临的挑战 at Holloway Commons throughout the 21 days. 学习 about the locally sourced vendors 和 taste the menu item labeled "21-Day Challenge”. This dining experience deepens intersectional relationship of culture, 食物, 股本, 和 belonging with every bite! 

        查看菜单 和 vendors

          2022 事件, 行为ivities & 资源

          UNH Eats Equitably 博客 Series

          客座博客作者Paul Young是美国服务队VISTA成员,在永利app新版本官网地址从事食品安全和其他基本需求倡议工作. Paul has a passion for 食物 systems 和 how they interact with climate change, 健康, opportunity 和 so much more. 保罗有三个供应商与UNH餐饮合作伙伴,为我们的食堂带来公平采购的食物. While working at UNH, in addition to working with the 可持续性 Institute on the 21 Day Challenge, he has helped launch a 食物 repurposing kitchen 和 the 猫的橱柜 (the UNH 食物 pantry).  


          Interactive Dialogue Engaging in the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge


          公民话语实验室(CDL)的学生每周举办一次虚拟对话系列活动,促进与参与和/或对挑战赛所激发的承诺和行动感兴趣的人进行对话. These peer-to-peer sessions, led by CDL团队; 是为了关注那一周的挑战内容,并鼓励同学之间的讨论. 所有的欢迎!


          21-Day Challenge at the Holloway Commons

          查看菜单 & featured vendors

          是不是吃饭 will showcase 所面临的挑战 at Holloway Commons throughout the 21 days. 学习 about the locally sourced vendors 和 taste the menu item labeled "21-Day Challenge”. This dining experience deepens intersectional relationship of culture, 食物, 股本, 和 belonging with every bite! 

          Spring Harvest Dinner
          Holloway Commons 和 Philbrook 餐厅 Halls



          The Challenge on Display at 钻石库

          访问 钻石库 for a collection of selected readings, videos 和 films focusing racial 股本 和 食物 justice during 所面临的挑战.
          周日上午10点.m. - 7 p.m.

          Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.- 12 p.m.

          星期五,早上7:30.m. - 6 p.m.

          星期六上午11点.m. - 6 p.m.

          See the 图书馆's 21-Day Challenge Guide

          UNH 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge Details


            4th Annual Stories & 声音:
            Interactive Dialogue Engaging in the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge


            Students from the Civil Discourse Lab hosted a weekly virtual dialogue series, designed for students who could participate in one, 两个, or all three facilitated sessions. These sessions, led by undergraduate students from CMN 662: Public Dialogue 和 Deliberation, were designed to 促进与那些参与和/或对承诺和行动感兴趣的人的对话,这些承诺和行动受到挑战的启发和关注 on that week’s Challenge content 和 encouraged peer-to-peer discussion.


            The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge Journey

            In this 3-part series, the Inclusion 和 Equity Committee invited campus to join Karen Spiller, 托马斯·W. Haas Professor in Sustainable Food Systems, 来反思本周的阅读和21天种族平等习惯养成挑战的提示. They explored what was learned 和/or affirmed (Head); what commitments they were willing to make (Heart); 和 what actions they would initiate (H和s). 

            Spring Harvest Dinner

            Hosted at the 是不是吃饭 Halls; open to all.
            We welcomed spring with 是不是吃饭 享用美味佳肴,庆祝地球日及联合国大学参与挑战赛! 三间餐厅的特色是“春收晚餐”,重点是使用当地产品和一些当地合作伙伴. This is a result of 是不是吃饭 working with the Challenge at UNH, 他们介绍了许多支持“公正和公平的粮食系统”的合作伙伴。.

            The Challenge on Display at 钻石库

            访问 钻石库 for a collection of selected readings, videos 和 films focusing on racial 股本 和 食物 justice during 所面临的挑战. 
            周日: 10 a.m. 到下午6点.m.

            Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. 到8点.m.

            星期五: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

            周六: 10 a.m. 到下午6点.m.

              More to ways to engage:

              • 托德厨师在2021年的挑战中与我们分享了一些食谱,这些食谱是基于“你的储藏室里有什么”?”调查.
                1. 只是Stir-Fry
              • Watch the UNH 2020 21-Day 和 50th 地球日 videos with Chef Todd:
                1. Cooking Tortillas:

                2. 烹饪Koshari
              • 跟着我们走 Instagram脸谱网 for interesting 和 informative factiods coming during 所面临的挑战 in 4月!
              • Listen to the 2020 UNH Podcats,第74集地球日 & The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge
              • Read UNH authored blog posts on the FSNE website by Chris Gagliolo (CDL Fellow) with his Rose Colored Racism, 和 Michele Holt-Shannon (NH Listens) with her We Need to Talk.

              A 社区 of 学习ing: Racial Equity

              2021年春天, 70多名UNH教职员工参加了一项“点对点”员工外展计划,以加深UNH社区在我们地区食品系统背景下对社会正义的理解. 这个项目, offered in partnership between the Office of 社区, Equity 和 Diversity 和 the 可持续性 Institute, 旨在帮助联合国大学社区的所有成员理解和解决结构性种族主义问题, 环境和社会正义——这对联合国大学体现其可持续性和多样性的价值观至关重要.

              工作人员 和 教师 benefitted from a chance to:

              • Be in community with others who care about racial justice 和 可持续性
              • Build professional skills around facilitation 和 leadership
              • 学习 more about regional 食物 systems
              • Help “build will 和 skill” to address racial 股本

              In 2018, the 可持续性 Institute, through the Haas Professorship, brought the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge to the UNH campus community.

              Thanks to the 2021 UNH Planning Team: Departments of Agriculture, Nutrition 和 Food Systems; Communications; Psychology; Social Work along with Paul College; Hospitality 和 餐厅 Services; 和 Office of 社区, Equity 和 Diversity. They engaged in creating a menu of interactive activities including a launch event, facilitated discussions, cooking demonstrations 和 more.

              Contact Karen Spiller for more information.

              Food Solutions New Engl和 (FSNE) 是否有一个围绕一套共同价值观——民主赋权——将粮食系统社区团结起来的区域网络, racial 股本 和 dignity for all, 可持续性, 并加强了该运动实现新英格兰食品愿景目标的能力. This ne两个rk is coordinated by UNH’s 可持续性 Institute.
              In 2013, FSNE publicly "centered" the racial 股本 value of our work 和, in addition to supporting each other to learn, grow 和 change toward a more racially just system, the ne两个rk was inspired by the work of Dr. Eddie Moore, 黛比·欧文 和 Dr. 玛格丽特·彭尼克-帕克斯用食物系统的视角来适应21天习惯养成挑战. FSNE has been organizing 和 hosting 所面临的挑战 every year since 2014. Focusing on our ne两个rk, it started with a couple of hundred regional participants 和 has grown to more than 7,000 participants, nationally 和 internationally in 2020. (As well as many organizations adapting 所面临的挑战 for their own unique needs).